village post 3.1.21
Our next gathering will be at Christ the Redeemer in Pendleton. This outdoor tent has been a great place to gather safely and comfortably. We look forward to seeing you there. If you haven’t made it to an in-person gathering yet remember to wear a mask and to bring your own communion elements. There is also no children’s ministry during these gatherings but there is a playground for small (under 5ish) kids to play.
Feel free to reach out with any questions to
We have been invited to join a community meal happening in the Mill Hill area (where House of Judah is located). This meal serves a low-income and homeless population and is an answer to pray for dcf as we’ve been prayerwalking and seeking persons of peace. The meal will be served at Ann Hope Methodist Church but we can park at House of Judah and walk over. If you would like to participate by bringing prepared food, Julie needs to know TODAY (MARCH 1) to let the coordinator know what we will be bringing. Food service begins at 11am so any breakfast or lunch type things are welcome such as breakfast casseroles, salad, soup, dessert, etc.
Plan to stay and join in fellowship and sharing the meal. This is a great opportunity to build relationships with those in the neighborhood of our House of Judah gatherings! Contact Julie (864.280.4763) with any other questions.
Maybe you want to tell an epic story of your week. Maybe you want to share about an amazing hot drink you’re enjoying. Join the virtual gathering early to greet one another, check in and chitchat prior to our rhythms.
We all have a special place in the Kingdom of God and there are endless ways to use our gifts, passions and abilities! Thank you to everyone who is leaning into that during these challenging months of change. One thing that will never change however is dcf’s desire to cultivate our hearts more and more towards love and service to others.
Our two in-person gatherings will be held at Christ the Redeemer’s tent and House of Judah’s parking lot. We ask everyone to wear a mask for the entire gathering for the hospitality of all who gather. There is no childcare at these gatherings and we ask that kids over age 6 stay with their parents for the gathering. There is space for younger kids to run around and play at both locations.
Our virtual gatherings will occur about every other week on Zoom. For a peek into the virtual gatherings and more details about all gathering check out the gathering page on the website.
We invite everyone to find a house church that meets near where you live!
There are locations in Salem, North Anderson, Pendleton and Central.
Each house church will meet either in-person, virtual or a hybrid and is the BEST place for you to develop deeper relationships and grow spiritually.
For more information contact or Josh at 864.364.7128.
a people thirsty for God,
living the Gospel together