village post 2.8.21


Our next gathering will be experienced on Zoom, Sunday Feb 14 at 10am. This Zoom meeting is open and available to anyone (see below for Zoom info). We will share scripture, prayers and peace together.

downtown community fellowship is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

dcf virtual gathering Zoom info:

Meeting ID: 514 780 7318

Passcode: 791343


At dcf, we believe in the priesthood of all believers and want to create easy pathways for you to contribute to the life of this faith community so in the theme of the week, participation and contribution, Julie explained the new system of organizing and preparing for our weekly gatherings. With the variety of gatherings comes more premeditated planning. And with a solid core of people regularly attending both virtual and in-person gatherings comes the opportunity to have many people’s voices/hands involved. Everyone is invited to sign up for a rhythm or support team on a weekly basis so keep an eye out for that email every Wednesday. There is no better way to demonstrate that we are all in this together!



You have one more chance to fill out the SUPER QUICK survey about dcf gathering participation. It will take you less than 2 minutes but will be very helpful for organizing our gatherings. This google form is directly related to the gathering rhythms and support teams mentioned in the previous announcement.

For survey use QR code or click

For more information contact or Julie at 864.280.4763.


At this gathering last month we had a kid and an older man wander over and connect with us. We were able to introduce dcf to them and share about how we will be holding gatherings once a month in the parking lot at House of Judah. Our second gathering at House of Judah’s parking lot is scheduled for Sunday Feb 21 at 2pm. We will be prayer-walking and collecting trash as well as sharing together in familiar dcf rhythms. Wear comfortable shoes for walking and warm layers in case it is cold.

As we begin developing community here, be in prayer for dcf to meet people of peace and for House of Judah as we hope to see our relationship with them grow as well.


Everyone has been uniquely gifted in such a way that our body can be diverse and robust. Pray about how your skills, passions and spiritual gifts fit into the whole and we invite you to talk to a dcf elder or deacon if you want encouragement in finding your role to play. It is just as equally important for us to steward ourselves as it is our finances. Thank you to all those who are faithfully dedicating your talents in our weekly gatherings and house churches. All glory to God!


Our two in-person gatherings will be held at Christ the Redeemer’s tent and House of Judah’s parking lot. We ask everyone to wear a mask for the entire gathering for the hospitality of all who gather. There is no childcare at these gatherings and we ask that kids over age 6 stay with their parents for the gathering. There is space for younger kids to run around and play at both locations.

Our virtual gatherings will occur about every other week on Zoom. For a peek into the virtual gatherings and more details about all gathering check out the gathering page on the website.

We invite everyone to find a house church that meets near where you live!

There are locations in Salem, North Anderson, Pendleton and Central.

Each house church will meet either in-person, virtual or a hybrid and is the BEST place for you to develop deeper relationships and grow spiritually.

For more information contact or Josh at 864.364.7128.



a people thirsty for God,

living the Gospel together

