village post 1.19.21
Stay in the know about dcf!
Our next gathering will be held in the parking lot at House of Judah in Seneca. This in-person gathering will begin at 2pm and we ask that everyone wear a mask in order to show grace and hospitality to everyone who gathers. We will experience all our familiar dcf rhythms, including communion. We will also start a process of discernment regarding how to be a Gospel presence in the Mill Hill area of Seneca.
There will not be any children’s ministry available and we ask that kids stay with their families. There is open green space and younger children can run around in.
Please remember to bring your own communion elements. Feel free to contact or Julie with any questions.
As we prepare to have a variety of different gatherings over the next 6 months, it is important to be organized! Please fill out this super fast google form to indicate what gatherings you plan on attending and how you would like to participate. This information will be VERY helpful.
Click here to go to the google form:
For more information contact or Julie at 864.280.4763.
New Teaching Series - Sacrifices and Offerings
Josh has begun a new teaching series. Check them out if you’ve missed one of the latest two weeks. This video from the Bible Project is also a GREAT overview on the book of Leviticus, which we will be studying quite a bit during this semester.
At dcf we believe that God uses all of our unique talents to create a diverse and empowering culture. The dcf leadership invites ideas, ministry suggestions, and gives you permission to contribute your skills and passions.
Our two in-person gatherings will be held at Christ the Redeemer’s tent and House of Judah’s parking lots. We ask everyone to wear a mask for the entire gathering for the hospitality of all who gather. There is no childcare at these gatherings and we ask that kids under age 6 stay with their parents for the gathering. There is space for younger kids to run around and play at both locations.
Our virtual gatherings will occur about every other week on Zoom. For a peek into the virtual gatherings and more details about all gathering check out the gathering page on the website.
We invite everyone to find a house church that meets near where you live!
There are locations in Salem, North Anderson, Pendleton and Central.
Each house church will meet either in-person, virtual or a hybrid and is the BEST place for you to develop deeper relationships and grow spiritually.
For more information contact or Josh at 864.364.7128.
a people thirsty for God,
living the Gospel together