village post 9.29.20

The Village Post is where you can stay in the know about all things dcf!


Everyone is invited to participate in fellowship and worship around the fire pit at the Spoelstras! Bring your own pizza for dinner and a chair and/or blanket. Accord is a family friendly house church that meets every Friday in Seneca. Whether you are in a house church and want to connect with Accord or not in a house church and want to check it out, all of dcf is invited! We will stay social distanced in the front yard and there is plenty of parking. For more information contact Josh Spoelstra at 864.364.7128.


If you missed the dcf vision/strategy presentation at the virtual gathering last week then check it out here:

This brief video will bring everyone up to speed on the latest thinking of dcf elders and deacons. To discuss ideas and contribute in strategy contact Julie Spoelstra at 864.280.4763


The current dcf budget is lower than its been in previous years mainly due to not having a lease on a facility. Lower expenses in these few months of doing virtual gatherings allows dcf the chance to grow a savings account. These savings will help us navigate through the rest of the fiscal and school year when dcf starts renting locations for gatherings.

Another main part of the budget is staff. Currently Josh and Julie are both on staff with dcf and working together to position dcf for the future. The dcf leadership is thankful for so many who generously support dcf.

For more finacial info, contact Michael Schreuder at

We invite everyone to find a house church that meets near where you live!

There are locations in Seneca, North Anderson, Pendleton and Central.

Each house church will meet either in-person, virtual or a hybrid and is the BEST place for you to develop deeper relationships and grow spiritually.

For more information contact or Josh at 864.364.7128.


dcf virtual gatherings

The dcf elders have made the decision to gather virtually every Sunday morning at 10am on Zoom for the 2020 Fall Semester. Here we engage in some familiar dcf rhythms, brief teaching and breakout groups. This virtual gathering is open and available to anyone so YOU ARE ALL WELCOME!!!


All dcfkids are invited to meet at 9:30am! This brief zoom meeting is a time to connect to each other, dance to worship music, share about your week, play a game and learn a Bible Story.

Here are the zoom details (they are the same every week):

Join dcfkids Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 514 780 7318
Passcode: 791343

Every Sunday morning at 10 am engage in some familiar dcf rhythms, teaching, discussion groups and an opportunity for prayer.

Join dcf virtual gathering Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 514 780 7318 Passcode: 791343

One tap mobile +13126266799,,5147807318#,,,,,,0#,,791343# US (Chicago) +19294362866,,5147807318#,,,,,,0#,,791343# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 514 780 7318 Passcode: 791343 Find your local number: .

Watch this video for a glimpse into the rhythm of passing the peace of Christ at the dcf virutal gathering. Sept 2020.
