village post

Welcome back to the village post!

This is a renewed and important resource for us to stay connected!

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While dcf is gathering virtually on Sunday mornings everyone is invited to participate in a house church. These house churches will meet either in-person outside, virtually or some kind of hybrid. Consider being a part of a smaller group of people to live life with and grow spiritually. For location details email or contact Josh Spoelstra at 864.364.7128.


Let’s get together (safely) and provide some much needed help to a neighbor in need. After the tornado in Seneca many people helped clean up lots of yards. There is still a lot of work to be done and THIS SATURDAY dcf has the opportunity to be a blessing by cleaning up a yard. Work will begin at 8am. Lunch will be held at the Spoelstra’s front yard (209 W Quincy Rd. Seneca). Also, kids are welcome to do water games with Anastasia and Lily Spoelstra. Contact or Josh at 864.364.7128 for more details.


Anastasia Spoelstra invites kids of all ages to participate in dancing to worship music, sharing about your week and viewing an animated video from the Jesus Story Book Bible. For more information about zoom details or with any other questions please email or contact Julie Spoelstra at 864.280.4763.


August begins a new fiscal year for dcf. Although the year ahead will be vastly different than anyone could of excepted, dcf will still depend on the generosity of all its friends and participants to fund ministry. Please consider setting up a regular occurring tithe for the coming months so dcf can have steady support of the budget. For more finance info contact Michael Schreuder at

dcf virtual gathering

The dcf elders have made the decision to gather virtually every Sunday morning at 10am on Zoom. Here we engage in some familiar dcf rhythms, brief teaching and breakout groups. This virtual gathering is open and available to anyone so YOU ARE ALL WELCOME!!!

Time: Sundays at 10am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 514 780 7318

Passcode: 791343

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