village post 2.2.22

STARTS TONIGHT! Join the conversation with House of Judah and dcf as we discuss love, mercy and compassion in some key biblical texts and how they relate to cultural topics like justice and racial reconciliation.

Note the time change for Feb 9. This is to allow time for the documentary entitled13th to be viewed and discussed afterwards.

These sessions are open to the public and everyone is welcome! Bring a friend, family member or colleague! For more information email

Next Sunday we will continue our (RE)CONSTUCTION series and gather at the Pavilion.

Part One and Two of the series are available on Podbean and Youtube to catch up on. It is highly recommended that you listen/watch these sessions to get the framework for how we will be studying re- words in the Bible. For more information contact

Everyone is invited to wear red to support Women’s Heart Health at our Feb 13th Unity Gathering. We will also have a fellowship time with healthy snacks after the gathering, (hopefully outside if the weather is nice)! Plan to stay and connect with someone new!

There will be children’s ministry during the teaching time and everyone is encouraged to continue wearing masks indoors.

If you’d like to help prepare or bring something for the fellowship time, contact Julie at 864.280.4763.


a people thirsty for God,

living the Gospel together

