village post 6.15.21

The latest dcf teaching series entitled Sacred Space is available via Podbean and YouTube. This is a 4 part series and will be available on audio and video.

Sacred Space - Part 1



On Sunday June 20 we will gather for the final session of the Be the Bridge material we’ve been covering during our House of Judah gatherings. We will meet inside the sanctuary for this gathering. The Be the Bridge session will be recorded for use by those you can’t participate.

Some of House of Judah’s leadership will be getting together with Josh and Julie next week to discuss how to collaborate in the fall for some gatherings. This is a direct answer to prayer! It is exciting to see how God is leading us and bringing vision for the future. If you’d like more details, please feel free to ask! You can email Josh at or call him at 864.364.7128.


Over the summer weeks, let’s continue to gather outdoors and enjoy beautiful South Carolina! We can sit under trees, dip our feet in streams, swim in the lake, rest in the shade and breathe fresh air. We can play yard games or board games, and eat lunch together! It is the hope of dcf leadership to use these gatherings for fellowship and relationship building in addition to our gathering rhythms.

Plan on bringing a chair or blanket to sit on for Jaycee Park. Plan on bringing your own communion elements and maybe some to share. Plan on having a good time!!!

All Summer Gatherings will begin at 11am except our last virtual gathering and our visit to Christ the Redeemer. This time change will allow us to line up more closely with lunch time. You are welcome to pack a picnic lunch or order food nearby.

Our South Cove Park gathering will include baptism and a potluck cook out. More details to follow but if you are interested in getting baptized, you can reach out to Josh anytime.

For more information email Julie at


a people thirsty for God,

living the Gospel together

