village post 4.12.21
The next in-person gathering will be held in the parking lot at House of Judah in Seneca. This gathering will start at 2pm and include familiar dcf rhythms and opportunities to make connections with local neighbors.
The dcf leadership asks for your prayers as we try and coordinate a time for House of Judah and dcf leadership to meet and build relationship as well as possibly plan a joint event involving both congregations. Stay tuned for more updates on this as God leads dcf on this exciting new path!
For more info about this gathering, contact
Let’s celebrate and support the Tysor family! They welcomed a new baby into the world a few days ago and have asked for some very practical help in walking their dog. If you’d like to help out contact Erin Salmon at
God’s goodness is running after us, on the prayer and support of all of us contributing together to the ministry of dcf! Our year-to-date budget numbers are looking great and it has allowed dcf leadership to continue dreaming for the future. Thank you for your faithful financial support.
For more details contact Michael S. at
Our two in-person gatherings will be held at Christ the Redeemer’s tent and House of Judah’s parking lot. We ask everyone to wear a mask for the entire gathering for the hospitality of all who gather. There is no childcare at these gatherings and we ask that kids over age 6 stay with their parents for the gathering. There is space for younger kids to run around and play at both locations.
Our virtual gatherings will occur about every other week on Zoom. For a peek into the virtual gatherings and more details about all gathering check out the gathering page on the website.
We invite everyone to find a house church that meets near where you live!
There are locations in Salem, North Anderson, Pendleton and Central.
Each house church will meet either in-person, virtual or a hybrid and is the BEST place for you to develop deeper relationships and grow spiritually.
For more information contact or Josh at 864.364.7128.
a people thirsty for God,
living the Gospel together