

josh spoelstra lead teaching pastor


Josh and his family came to dcf from the Pacific Northwest in 2016. Josh is passionate about developing disciples of Jesus and holistic engagement of Christ followers in the mission of God. Josh holds degrees in Bible, Ministry, and Old Testament (BA, MDiv, ThM, and PhD). He enjoys reading and writing about theology, tattoos, swimming, golfing, hiking, and playing his worship music too loud. Josh and Julie have three beautiful daughters, Rosalind, Anastasia, and Lilly Mae.

To get in touch with Josh, email josh.spoelstra@gmail.com.


julie spoelstra ministry curator


Julie provides innovative ideas and cohesive communication to shape dcf ministry experiences. She aims to cultivate deeper relational connections and spiritual formation in dcf gatherings, house church and beyond. Julie is passionate about leading worship and inspiring creative expressions in those around her. Her three girls keep her busy at home with baking, art projects, music, gardening and swimming. Julie is a huge fan of Batman, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Lord of the Rings and all kinds of podcast on history, political commentary, organizational leadership and missional ministry.

To get in touch with Julie, email joshandjulie.spoelstra@gmail.com or follow her on Facebook and Instagram.


monica perez elder


Monica oversees the worship culture at dcf, including music, liturgy, and other creative expressions of God’s Word and connection with His people. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in counseling from Clemson University and works as the Director of Counseling and Health Services at nearby Southern Wesleyan University. She is passionate about music, family, house church, cooking, and spending time with college students.

To get in touch with Monica, email perez.mlp@gmail.com.


nicole erickson elder


Bio coming soon

To contact Nicole email nrn.erickson@gmail.com


Tate Haraway, Erin Salmon, Steve Erickson, Julie Spoelstra
